
This is just a bit about me...I think blogging is a great creative outlet. Not to mention the fact that I love to talk, so this is just like talking about all the thoughts that go through my mind each day and sharing it with you! Aren't YOU lucky?!

About Me

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Somewhere, Indiana, United States
I am a wife, mother and all around fun person. I love life and am grateful for the smallest things.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Angel Food Ministries

A while back I read about a great organization in my Woman's Day magazine call Angel Food Ministries. They are a wonderful organization that offers high quality meals to families at very affordable prices. This is not some type of food bank where recipients get less than stellar food, it is truly high quality food for less. In most cases the boxes feeds a family of 4 for a week for $30 when the food you get is really worth about $65. I was blown away, because I know alot of people with larger families who in this economy are having it rough.

There are no forms to fill out regarding income, etc. You simply find a local church where they offer the program, put in the order, pay upfront and in a week or two the order comes in.

Check out the site and be sure to pass it along to anyone you think may be interested!


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