
This is just a bit about me...I think blogging is a great creative outlet. Not to mention the fact that I love to talk, so this is just like talking about all the thoughts that go through my mind each day and sharing it with you! Aren't YOU lucky?!

About Me

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Somewhere, Indiana, United States
I am a wife, mother and all around fun person. I love life and am grateful for the smallest things.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I had an epiphany today... my son who turns 14 this month, will be driving sooner than I want to even think about. This is a bit too much. Just yesterday he was cute, cuddly and all about two feet tall. Now he is almost taller than me, handsome, and a teenager. Where does the time go? I know he is my only child, so maybe I am a bit overboard, but him growing up and leaving is becoming more of a reality everyday.


1 comment:

Slywy said...

Have we had a talk about dating, or has that ship sailed? :)


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